Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter weekend in San Clemente 2008

We had a great weekend in San Clemente with Gus, Cami and little AJ. He has grown so much in the last 6 weeks. It was great to see the cousins excited to meet their new cousin. All 6 of the grandchildren were at the Compass Bible Church's egg hunt. The weather was unbelievable for March. Our motel had a heated pool which was fun for the kids and adults too. We would go to Denny's next door with (2)-double strollers. Six adults and 5 kids (5 yrs and younger). We made quite an entrance 3 mornings in a row. We had 3 rooms together at the Capistrano Inn and took over our area with balls bouncing, baby's crying and running after each other. Gus and Cami hosted a picnic at the park Saturday overlooking the ocean. The kids were able to run around. The guys threw the football and frisbee and well the lady's breastfed (excluding Grammy), changed diapers, and ran after the kids. It was great fun. Gus and Scott's cousin Tim Ferreira and his wife joined us for the day. We moved the crowd back to our motel pool and to pizza later that evening. Sunday we were able to take pictures on the beach and play in the sand and ocean. It was 80 degrees in San Clemente!!! We are so blessed to have such a great family and thank God every day for giving us these special people who we are so proud of and really enjoy being with. More pics are on the web page.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday night with Grammy and Pa

Grammy and Pa had Riley overnight last night as Alan had cataract surgery. Alan is doing well, Praise God. We pray for improved eyesight. Stacey and Alan came to pick up Alan and cousins Gracie, Clayton and Ben were here too!! Oh yeah, Dad Scott too. We had pizza. Owen enjoyed his first time in Grammy's jumpa jump. The fourth grandchild to jump in the doorway. We love having all our grandchildren together and can't wait until Easter time with all 6 of them together. Little Ben was chillin on the sofa watching TV. What a cutie pie!!!
Saturday Amanda took her MOM's to Columbia where one of her student's played Helen Keller. It was marvelous.
I thank my Heavenly Father for making it possible for us to live an abundant life.